Orange County Prenuptial Agreements

Many people are now willing to consider signing prenuptial agreements (also known as premarital agreements). In many cases, the agreement may also be formalized after marriage, which is called a postnuptial agreement. The goal of these agreements is to protect the future interests of both sides if at some point the marriage comes to an end. At Lerner Conflict Resolution Center, we encourage couples to choose a prenup or postnup not because of any pessimism about their relationship, but because it is a pragmatic and realistic way to ensure a greater peace of mind. Once the agreement is out of the way, the couple can focus on what matters the most: their marital relationship.

How does Mediation Work for Prenups and Postnups?

When you choose our experienced prenuptial or postnuptial mediation team, we will act as neutral and impartial intermediaries to help you and your partner discuss all terms and conditions of the agreement. Our skilled mediators will remove any discomfort or hesitation from the negotiation, and help both sides see the mutual benefits of this vital agreement.

We will facilitate a collaborative environment and enable you and your partner to view a prenup or postnup as a kind of insurance policy – which we all should take, but hope that we never have to use it. When both parties are willing and can see the mutual benefit, the result will be a legally sound agreement that protects the interests of both without causing any emotional hurt in the process.

From experience, we know that in the event of a divorce, a couple may face contentious issues related to financial matters. While conducting the mediation process in a collaborative environment, we will sit down with the couple to help them work out the terms of the agreement in the backdrop of potential future issues. We will transparently guide both parties to help protect their rights and interests before the agreement is drafted and signed.

Our skilled prenuptial mediators are usually able to accomplish this in just one to two mediation sessions. Sometimes a couple may feel uncomfortable to mediate the terms in front of each other. In these situations, we will arrange caucusing, where both parties are placed in separate rooms, while our mediator goes back and forth to discuss individually with them and help them find common ground and get closer to an agreement.

At Lerner Conflict Resolution Center, our mediation experts will provide you clear guidelines and facilitate the process of prenuptial or postnuptial agreement in a compassionate, private setting. Our goal is to help you minimize potential financial conflict if at some point the marriage ends.

Prenup/Postup Mediation Services to Reduce Financial Ambiguity

At Lerner Conflict Resolution Center, our mediation experts will provide you clear guidelines and facilitate the process of prenuptial or postnuptial agreement in a compassionate, private setting. Our goal is to help you minimize potential financial conflict if at some point the marriage ends.

Issues Covered in a Prenup or Postnup Mediation

Depending on the individual financial situation, long-term goals and concerns of each party, our dedicated prenup or postnup mediators will help both sides cover all the relevant issues during the prenuptial or postnuptial mediation process. Some of the issues commonly addressed in our mediation may include:
  • Identifying pre-marital assets and whether they will remain separate property or become community property.
  • Handling of any inheritance received before or after marriage.
  • Distribution of retirement funds.
  • Division of business assets, if any.
  • Spousal support and maintenance.
  • Financial expectations from each side in the marriage.
  • How to account for income earned during the marriage.
  • How to pay for the household expenses.
  • Estate rights.